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lib/gobj/stream.h File Reference

Stream implementation. More...

#include <gobjconfig.h>
#include <gobj/context.h>
#include <gobj/types.h>
#include <gobj/decls.h>
#include <gobj/iface.h>


#define Gj_stream_writeInt(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_writeI32((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Write an int to the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_writeDouble(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_writeF64((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Write a double to the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_writeChar(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_writeI8((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Write a char to the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_writeWchar(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_writeI32((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Write a wchar_t to the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_writeBool(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_writeI8((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Write a Gj_Bool to the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_readInt(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_readI32((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Read a int from the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_readDouble(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_readF64((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Read a double from the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_readChar(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_readI8((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Read a char from the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_readWchar(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_readI32((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Read a wchar_t from the stream. More...

#define Gj_stream_readBool(ctx, stream, value)    Gj_stream_readI8((ctx), (stream), (value))
 Read a Gj_Bool from the stream. More...


Gj_StreamGj_stream_new (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Id* iface, char* addr)
 Create a new stream. More...

Gj_StreamGj_stream_newFromIncomingConn (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_IfaceIncomingConn* conn)
 Create a new stream from a Gj_IfaceIncomingConn. More...

int Gj_stream_delete (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Destroy a stream. More...

char* Gj_stream_getAddr (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Get the address of a stream. More...

int Gj_stream_open (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Open the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_close (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Close the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_flush (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Flush the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_writeI32 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_Si32 value)
 Write a 32-bit integer value to the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_writeI16 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_Si16 value)
 Write a 16-bit integer value to the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_writeI8 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_Si8 value)
 Write a 8-bit integer value to the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_writeF64 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_F64 value)
 Write a 64-bit float value to the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_writeF32 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_F32 value)
 Write a 32-bit float value to the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_writeStr (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, char* string)
 Write a string to the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_readI32 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_Si32* value)
 Read a 32-bit integer value from the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_readI16 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_Si16* value)
 Read a 16-bit integer value from the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_readI8 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_Si8* value)
 Read a 8-bit integer value from the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_readF64 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_F64* value)
 Read a 64-bit float value from the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_readF32 (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, Gj_F32* value)
 Read a 32-bit float value from the stream. More...

int Gj_stream_readStr (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, char** string)
 Read a string from the stream. More...

int gj_stream_readLow (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, void* ptr, int size)
 Read size bytes from the lower layers and write them to the given memory location. More...

int gj_stream_writeLow (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream, void* ptr, int size)
 Write size bytes from the given memory location to the lower layers. More...

Detailed Description

Stream implementation.

Define Documentation

#define Gj_stream_writeInt( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_writeI32((ctx), (stream), (value))

Write an int to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_writeDouble( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_writeF64((ctx), (stream), (value))

Write a double to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_writeChar( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_writeI8((ctx), (stream), (value))

Write a char to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_writeWchar( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_writeI32((ctx), (stream), (value))

Write a wchar_t to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_writeBool( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_writeI8((ctx), (stream), (value))

Write a Gj_Bool to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_readInt( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_readI32((ctx), (stream), (value))

Read a int from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_readDouble( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_readF64((ctx), (stream), (value))

Read a double from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_readChar( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_readI8((ctx), (stream), (value))

Read a char from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_readWchar( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_readI32((ctx), (stream), (value))

Read a wchar_t from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

#define Gj_stream_readBool( ctx, stream, value )   Gj_stream_readI8((ctx), (stream), (value))

Read a Gj_Bool from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

Function Documentation

Gj_Stream * Gj_stream_new ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Id * iface,
char * addr )

Create a new stream.

ctx   The context.
iface   The iface id.
addr   The destination address (is NOT being DUPLICATED and not deleted on destruction, too).

The pointer to the new stream on success, 0 otherwise.

Gj_Stream * Gj_stream_newFromIncomingConn ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_IfaceIncomingConn * conn )

Create a new stream from a Gj_IfaceIncomingConn.

The port of the connection must not be closed anymore - this is done by the stream. The clientaddr has still to be freed on destruction of the connection.

ctx   The context (of the connection).
conn   The incoming connection (including the context of the listening function).

The pointer to the new stream on success, 0 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_delete ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * ptr )

Destroy a stream.

The address is not deleted.

ctx   The context.
stream   The stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

char * Gj_stream_getAddr ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream )

Get the address of a stream.

ctx   The context.
stream   The stream.

The address (not duplicated).

int Gj_stream_open ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream )

Open the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise .

int Gj_stream_close ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream )

Close the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_flush ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream )

Flush the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_writeI32 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_Si32 value )

Write a 32-bit integer value to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_writeI16 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_Si16 value )

Write a 16-bit integer value to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_writeI8 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_Si8 value )

Write a 8-bit integer value to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_writeF64 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_F64 value )

Write a 64-bit float value to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_writeF32 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_F32 value )

Write a 32-bit float value to the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_writeStr ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
char * string )

Write a string to the stream.


string == 0 

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_readI32 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_Si32 * value )

Read a 32-bit integer value from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_readI16 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_Si16 * value )

Read a 16-bit integer value from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_readI8 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_Si8 * value )

Read a 8-bit integer value from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_readF64 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_F64 * value )

Read a 64-bit float value from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_readF32 ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
Gj_F32 * value )

Read a 32-bit float value from the stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_stream_readStr ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
char ** string )

Read a string from the stream.

The string is allocated via Gj_alloc.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int gj_stream_readLow ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
void * ptr,
int size )

Read size bytes from the lower layers and write them to the given memory location.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

For internal use only.

int gj_stream_writeLow ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream,
void * ptr,
int size )

Write size bytes from the given memory location to the lower layers.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

For internal use only.

Generated at Fri Aug 17 18:28:58 2001 for Gobj by doxygen1.2.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000