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lib/path.c File Reference

Path object. More...

#include "gobj/path.h"
#include "gobj/stream.h"


struct  gj_Pathelem_struct


typedef struct gj_Pathelem_struct  gj_Pathelem
 Path element structure.


Gj_PathGj_path_new ()
 Create a new path structure. More...

Gj_PathGj_path_create (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Create a path structure from a stream. More...

Gj_PathGj_path_duplicate (Gj_Path* path)
 Create a new path as a duplicate of an existing one.

void Gj_path_delete (Gj_Path* ptr)
 Destroy a path structure created via Gj_path_new().

void Gj_path_init (Gj_Path* path)
 Initialize a path structure.

void Gj_path_finalize (Gj_Path* path)
 Finalize a path structure.

int Gj_path_read (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Path* path, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Read a path form a stream. More...

int Gj_path_write (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Path* path, Gj_Stream* stream)
 Write a path to a stream. More...

int Gj_path_getCount (Gj_Path* path)
 Get the element count of a path.

void gj_path_addElem (Gj_Path* path, gj_Pathelem* elem)
 Add a path element to the end of the path list. More...

void Gj_path_addString (Gj_Path* path, char* str)
 Add a string path element. More...

void Gj_path_addId (Gj_Path* path, Gj_Id* id)
 Add an id path element.

void Gj_path_addNum (Gj_Path* path, int num)
 Add a numerical path element.

Gj_PathType Gj_path_nextType (Gj_Path* path, void** ptr)
 Return the type of the next element of the walkthrough. More...

char* Gj_path_nextAsString (Gj_Path* path, void** ptr)
 Return the next element of a walkthrough as a string. More...

Gj_IdGj_path_nextAsId (Gj_Path* path, void** ptr)
 Return the next element of a walkthrough as an id. More...

int* Gj_path_nextAsNum (Gj_Path* path, void** ptr)
 Return the next element of a walkthrough as a pointer to a number. More...

char* Gj_path2str (Gj_Path* path)
 Convert a path structure into a string allocated via Gj_alloc().

Detailed Description

Path object.

Function Documentation

Gj_Path * Gj_path_new ( )

Create a new path structure.

Calls to Gj_path_init() and Gj_path_finalize() are not needed.

Gj_Path * Gj_path_create ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Stream * stream )

Create a path structure from a stream.

The pointer to the path on success, 0 otherwise.

int Gj_path_read ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Path * path,
Gj_Stream * stream )

Read a path form a stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

int Gj_path_write ( Gj_Ctx * ctx,
Gj_Path * path,
Gj_Stream * stream )

Write a path to a stream.

0 on success, -1 otherwise.

void gj_path_addElem ( Gj_Path * path,
gj_Pathelem * elem )

Add a path element to the end of the path list.

For internal use only.

void Gj_path_addString ( Gj_Path * path,
char * str )

Add a string path element.

The string is DUPLICATED.

Gj_PathType Gj_path_nextType ( Gj_Path * path,
void ** ptr )

Return the type of the next element of the walkthrough.

If *ptr is 0, the type of the first element is returned. If the last element has already been reached, GJ_PATHTYPE_NONE is returned. Calls to Gj_path_nextType do not change the walkthrough position.

char * Gj_path_nextAsString ( Gj_Path * path,
void ** ptr )

Return the next element of a walkthrough as a string.

If *ptr is 0, the first element is returned. If the last element has already been reached, 0 is returned.

Gj_Id * Gj_path_nextAsId ( Gj_Path * path,
void ** ptr )

Return the next element of a walkthrough as an id.

If *ptr is 0, the first element is returned. If the last element has already been reached, 0 is returned.

int * Gj_path_nextAsNum ( Gj_Path * path,
void ** ptr )

Return the next element of a walkthrough as a pointer to a number.

If *ptr is 0, the first element is returned. If the last element has already been reached, 0 is returned.

Generated at Fri Aug 17 18:28:59 2001 for Gobj by doxygen1.2.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000