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lib/lib.c File Reference

Library information functions. More...

#include "gobj/lib.h"
#include "gobj.h"
#include "fs/fs.h"
#include "bignum/bignum.h"


void Gj_lib_init ()
 Initialize the library.

void Gj_lib_finish ()
 Finalize the library.

void Gj_lib_printInfo (FILE* s)
 Print library information to a given stream. More...

char* Gj_lib_getPackageName ()
 Get the package name.

char* Gj_lib_getPackageVersion ()
 Get the package version.

char* Gj_lib_getCompUser ()
 Get the compiling user name.

char* Gj_lib_getCompMachineName ()
 Get the compiling machine name.

char* Gj_lib_getHostMachine ()
 Get the host machine type.

char* Gj_lib_getBuildMachine ()
 Get the build (target) machine type.

char* Gj_lib_getCCVersion ()
 Get the C compiler name and version.

char* Gj_lib_getCompDate ()
 Get the compiling date.

char* Gj_lib_getCompTime ()
 Get the compiling time.


char gj_package [] = PACKAGE
char gj_version [] = VERSION
char gj_compuser [] = GJ_COMPUSER
char gj_compmachinename [] = GJ_COMPMACHINENAME
char gj_hostmachine [] = GJ_HOSTMACHINE
char gj_buildmachine [] = GJ_BUILDMACHINE
char gj_ccver [] = GJ_CCVER
char gj_compdate [] = __DATE__
char gj_comptime [] = __TIME__
void* _dummyarray []
 Dummy array with pointers to symbols that are not referenced from this library, but should be included anyway. More...

Detailed Description

Library information functions.

Function Documentation

void Gj_lib_printInfo ( FILE * s )

Print library information to a given stream.

s   The output stream.

Variable Documentation

void * _dummyarray[]


Dummy array with pointers to symbols that are not referenced from this library, but should be included anyway.

Generated at Fri Aug 17 18:28:58 2001 for Gobj by doxygen1.2.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000