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bin/guilefuncs.c File Reference

Functions for the gobj guile interface. More...

#include "guilefuncs.h"
#include "guileinterpreter.h"
#include "guiletypes.h"


#define IDSTATNAME   "idstat.bin"


SCM _Gj_version ()
SCM _Gj_mem ()
SCM _Gj_initIdmgr ()
SCM _gobj (SCM _ctx, SCM _string, SCM _object_opt)
SCM _gj_addModel (SCM _ctx, SCM _model)
SCM _gj_setRoot (SCM _ctx, SCM _object)
SCM _gj_set (SCM _ctx, SCM _target, SCM _child, SCM _object)
SCM _Gj_setNative (SCM _ctx, SCM _target, SCM _object)
SCM _gj_add (SCM _ctx, SCM _target, SCM _object)
SCM _Gj_objectRef (SCM _ctx, SCM _path)
SCM _gj_ctx_createInitial ()
SCM _gj_system_new (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_persona_new (SCM _ctx, SCM _id_opt)
SCM _gj_session_new (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_system_initStd (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_persona_initStd (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_session_initStd (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_openContainer (SCM _ctx, SCM _cont)
SCM _gj_system_initMinimal (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_system_restoreWithInitSystem (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_system_save (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_openPersona (SCM _ctx, SCM _personaid)
SCM _gj_addPersona (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_persona_getId (SCM _ctx)
SCM _Gj_createContainer (SCM _ctx, SCM _id_opt)
SCM _Gj_clearContainer (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_getSysid (SCM _ctx)
SCM _gj_addView (SCM _ctx, SCM _model, SCM _view)
SCM _Gj_modelRef (SCM _ctx, SCM _modelref)
SCM _Gj_view (SCM _ctx, SCM _object, SCM _viewer_opt)
SCM _gj_ctx_delete (SCM _ctx)
 Delete a context.

SCM _gj_server_start (SCM _ctx)
 Start the server.

SCM _gj_server_stop (SCM _ctx)
 Stop the server context.

SCM _gj_server_addIface (SCM _ctx, SCM _ifaceid)
 Add an iface to the server.

SCM _gj_router_addStaticRoute (SCM _ctx, SCM _id, SCM _ifaceid, SCM _ifaceaddr)
 Add a static route to the router.

SCM __gj_test (SCM _ctx)
 A test function. More...

SCM _Gj_noop ()
 Do nothing.

SCM _Gj_help ()
 Print helping instructions to given commands.

int Gobj_createGuileCtx ()
int Gobj_deleteGuileCtx ()
Gj_ObjectGobj_resolveLink (Gj_Ctx* ctx, Gj_Path* path)
void registerFuncs ()


 The guile context.

Detailed Description

Functions for the gobj guile interface.

Function Documentation

SCM __gj_test ( SCM _ctx ) [static]

A test function.

For internal use only.

Generated at Fri Aug 17 18:28:55 2001 for Gobj by doxygen1.2.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000